Prepare an Emergency Bag to Stay One Step Ahead of Natural Disasters
8/18/2021 (Permalink)

In the face of natural disasters, all we can do is stay safe by being prepared. It’s hard to predict when or how a natural disaster will occur, or if it even will. But, it will confront you at the most unexpected of times, which is why it’s good practice to have an emergency bag in an easily accessible place for a time you may need it to save your life!
So, what items should you have in your emergency pack? Here are some key things to invest in for your emergency bag:
- Water
- Nonperishable food
- Batteries
- First-aid kit
- Matches
- Toiletries
- Wet wipes, toothbrushes/paste, travel size soap, a roll of toilet paper, garbage bags
- Whistle
- Local maps
- Phone charger/Portable Battery
- Dust masks
- Flashlight
- Small foldable emergency blanket
- Necessary medicines and prescriptions
- Spare keys for your home and car
- Copy of identification cards
- ID, driver’s license, passport, SSN, insurance cards
- Emergency contact list
- Change of clothes
- Shoes
Now, what should hold all of these emergency items? Well, the items can be placed in a bucket, plastic bag, backpack, or any other method of carrying things easily. Some emergency packs even have special bags that can fold out into an emergency blanket. Specialized ones like these can be bought at your local superstore or online. Stay prepared for disasters, and if one happens to you, we are here to mitigate the damage.